Medical Services

NHS Direct (24 Hours)

Posted by Richard on 30 Mar, 2012 08:09

NHS Direct aims to be the national health line, providing expert health advice, information and reassurance, using their world-class telephone, digital services and website, and to be the NHS' provider of choice for telephone and digitally delivered health services.

You can access their service via:

Claypath and University Medical Group

Posted by Richard on 30 Mar, 2012 08:04

Claypath and University Medical Group, Partners and staff, would like to welcome you to Durham. 

We know the last thing on your mind is sickness or health.  Registering with a doctor, however, is as important as enrolling on your course and as you are about to spend the next few years in our city, we want you to take away nothing but good memories of your time at University.

Thanks to our years of unique experience of student life, we are well aware of the special problems students face.  The practice covers all areas of the city and surgery times have been adjusted to suit the needs of students.

For more information about our centre and how you register as a new patient visit our website.